Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka - Sree cakra – the effect of kundalini sakti- 01

examples of saadhakaas or devotees :-

1. Sree Jayadeva swamigal from Orissa -Puri [jagannatha kshetra]Who entered the samaadhi state often singing the glory of the Lord as –
“Candana carcita neela kalebara peeta vasana vanamaali”

His legs and hands were cut by robbers and he was thrown into a well. But his mind was not at all affected, he was a sthitaprajna as referred in the gita chapter 2 sloka 15 thus :-

“Yam hi na vyathayantyete purusham purusharshabha
Sama dukha sukham dheeram somritatwaaya kalpate”

He gave gita govinda – which was even appreciated by foreign poets – Edwin Arlnold translated the same into English by name “song of songs ” and paved the way for the whole world to know about this great saint.

2. Sant Kabir Das from Vaaranaasi [Kaasi kshetra]Who uttered all along saying –

“raama kaho yaa rahim kaho voh yek hi hai”
“antar raama baahir raama jaham dekho vahaam sabhee raamaa hi raama
guru kripa anjan paayo more bhayee raama binaa kuch dekhat naahee
Raama binaa kuch jaanat naahee
Jaagat raama sovat raama sapan me dekhat raamaa hi raama”

”hari bolo bhaai hari bolo”
“mera mera kah kar kyaa phal paaya
Hari ke bhajan vinaa choothak maayaa
Kahat kabeeraa hari guna gaanaa
Gaavata naasata vaikunta jaanaa”

He went to the stage of pleasing the devotees and feeding the poor even by cutting his son’s head – he depicted the sthitaprajna in gita as referred by chapter 2 sloka – 19 thus:-“ya yenam vetti hantaaram yascainam manyate hatamUbhau tau na vijaaneeto naayam hanti na hanyate”

this simple man along with all of you who are reading this offer our pranaams to the great devotees of God .

3. Sant Tulasi Das from Delhi, Rajahpur, VaaranaasiWho said in his Tulasi Ramayan –

“kaama krodh mad lobh moh
Naath narak ke panth
Sab parihari raghubeera hi
Bhajahu bhajahi jehi sant”

“sakala sumangala daayaka
Raghu naayaka guna gaana
aadara suna hi te tarahiBhava sindhu binaa jala jaan”

Here is an incidence from the history of the great mughal emperor who was a staunch devotee of God almighty. He happened to come to see Saint Tulasidas and asked him to request Sri Rama to give darshan to him also. Akbar the great appreciated very much about the devotion of Tulasidas and was said to refer like this once-

“Turavikku vendan turumbu taane”
it was also referred in the history of Tulasidas that the Great King Akbar appreciated very much about the devotion of Tulasidas and also specifically in the articles in “vinaya patrikaa” and “raam carit maanas”. Our pranaams to the great King also.

4. Saint Ezhuttacchan from Kerala who wrote Harinaama Keertan and Adhyaatma Raamaayan -Who uttered in Malayalam saying
“yaatonnu kaanmatatu naaraayanapratima
Yaatonnu ketpatatu naaraayanasrutikal
Yaatonnu ceyvatatu naaraayana arcanakal
Yaatonnatokke hari naaraayanaaya nama”

What ever you see is the idol of naaraayana only;
Whatever you hear is naaraayana srutikal;
Whatever you do is naaraayana acrana;
Whatever else is there all are hari naaraayan only.


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