Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -38

Jeeva-Brahma-aikam in Anaahata/heart cakra]
[Baalaarishta nivaaranam]

Samunmeelat samvitkamala-makarandaika-rasikam
Bhaje hamsadhwandhwam kimapi mahataam maanasacaram
Yadaadatte doshaad guna-makhila-madbhyah paya iva

Samunmeelat samvitkamala-makarandaika-rasikam
- enjoying by one’s own wish only the aananda of the
makaranda of the fully blooming jnaana lotus

Bhaje - I do pooja
hamsadhwandhwam - the two hamsa or [divine] swans
kimapi - one cannot described how they are
mahataam - of the great devotees
maanasacaram - swimming in the heart which is the ocean of the mind
Yadaalaapaad - from the happy words of them [these swans]
- the eighteen vidyaas get transformed
Yad - those
aadatte - separates
doshaad - from bad or adharma
akhilam gunam - only guna or good alone
adbhyah - from water
paya iva - like milk

Oh! Goddess! I prostrate or do pooja of the two hamsa or swans, which is anirvaacya,
which is specially interested in taking the aananda [paramaananda] of the makaranda
from the lotus of jnaana and which is having the regular habit of traveling or swimming
in the ocean of the hearts of the great poets or devotees. The aalaapa [the talk ] of the
hamsa has transformed into 18 vidyaas. These swans separate give only good to us and
remove all evils from us and the whole environment just like taking from the combination
of milk and water, only milk and discarding or leaving water.

"Poomprakrityaatma kohamsastadaatmakamidam jagat"
aakaasaat vaayuh:-
vaayu arises from aakaasa. The position of the vaayu tatwa in the sushumnaa naadi is
anaahata cakra. It is the 12 petal lotus.
[the aajnaa cakra is two petal lotus and the visuddhi cakra is 16 petal lotus.]

Here, siva who is represented by the mantra "ham" and sakti who is represented by the
mantra "sa" are to be propitiated as hamseswara and hamseswari surrounded by 54
vaayavya mayookha.

The eighteen vidyaas are nothing but the words/talk of the hamsaas.
Eighteen vidyaas:-
Vedas - 1 to 4
Siksha, Kalpam, Vyaakarana, Niruktam, Cchandas, Jothisham - 5 to 10
Meemaamsa, nyaaya, puraana, dharma saastra - 11 to 14
Aayurvedam,dhanurvedam, gaandharvavedam, neeti saastram - 15 to 18

"Angaani vedaancatwaaromeemaamsaa nyaayavistarah puraanam
dharmasaastramca vidyaa hyetaascacaturddasah"

Tetiyoor Subrahmania Saastrikal – a great devotee poet says –

"Vidyopaasaka, by antarmukha-dhyaana, when observe the sounds in the anaahata cakra,
the mantras (16) in the shodasaakshari mantra, vidyaa guru swaroopa, devi swaroopa
[total – 18], these appear directly as sabda moola and get the anubhooti. Hence, hamsa-
dwandhwa aalaapa is called "ashtaadasa-gunita-vidhyaaparinaamam".
One who does the hamsadwandwa dhyaana by chanting the ajapa vidyaa "hamsah
soham soham hamsah" get out of the paapa and punya and get liberated – means they
will not be afftected by the worries, anger, anxiety, sorrows, misery of the [bhava roga]

The great saint Durvasa in his Sakti-Mahimnaa stotra sloka 20 says:-

"Geham naakati garvitah pranatati
stree sangamo mokshati
dweshee mitrati Paatakam
sukritati kshmaavallbho daasati
mrityur vaidyati dooshanam
sugunati twad paada samsevanaat
twaam vande
bhava bheeti bhanjanakareem
gowreem gireesapriyaam."

In India, the temple earmarked for the hamsadhwandhwa upaasana is Aavudaiyaar
temple in Tamilnadu.

Sri Sankara in Subhagodaya vyaakhyaana refers like this :-
In heart or anaahata cakra, meditate on the siva as sikhijwaalaa as the deepa or lamp and
sakti as sikhini as the rays of the [brilliance] from the lamp.
But a caution is given here:-

One has to see all good [dhaarmik] in everything and discard all [adhaarmik] bad.
When the kundalini sakti arises in the aarohana in the anaahata cakra, one gets the
‘sakalakalaavallabhatwa’ and ‘gunaikanilayatwa’ without anything uttering or studying
or reading. His words [even utterances ] will further turn out to be Upanishad words
which guides the whole beings in the world. The Siva and Sakti at the anaahata cakra are
called respectively by the names –
Hamswswara and hamseswari.


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