Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -37

[Parvati-Parameswara dhyaanam in Visuddhi/throat cakra]
[brahma raakshasa bhoota-preta pisaaca nivaaranam]

Visuddhau te suddhasphatika-visadam vyoma-janakam
Sivam seve deveemapi sivasamaana-vyavasitaam
Yayoh kaantyaa yaantyaah sasikirana-saaroopyasaraneh
Vidhootaanta-rdhwaantaa vilasati cakoreeva jagatee

Visuddhau - in visuddhi cakra
te - your
suddhasphatika-visadam - clear crystal bimba shape
vyoma-janakam - he who starts the aakaasa tatwa
Sivam - Siva and
seve - I prostrate /I do pooja
deveemapi - and you devi
sivasamaana-vyavasitaam - having sankalpa equal to the sankalpa of Siva
Yayoh - whose
kaantyaa - due to the brilliance of
yaantyaah - outcoming
sasikirana-saaroopyasaraneh - just like blooming blossoming full moon
Vidhoota-antar-dhwaantaa - the ignorance - which is the inner darkness, being removed
vilasati - shine forth
cakoree - iva - like the cakora [vezhaambal] bird which dances on seeing the full moon
jagatee - the whole world

Oh! Goddess! On your visuddhi cakra, I meditate on Lord Parama-Siva [ who is of clear
crystal shape divine form and] who is creating the aakaasa tatwa in your visuddhi cakra,
and you who is having the sankalpa similar to that of the Lord Parama-Siva. I meditate on
you both, whose fragrance and brilliance makes the whole world jubilant with the
darkness of ignorance running away, like the cakora bird dancing, on seeing the full
moon. [the upaasakaa’s mind becomes because of getting the suddha-jnaanaa and amrita,
like a drunkard but here the drink is amrita or nectar which does only good to the whole
world and can never do any harm to any body or anything in the world].

Such a devotee, sees the world without the ignorance veil and without the baahyendriyaas
and gets the paramaananda lahari and gets anubhooti and gets happiness devoid of any

Vyoma janakam:-
"Aajnaa cakre aatmatwam niroopitam
Tasmaa-daatmatatwaa-daakaasa –tatwotpattih
Antaraatma sabdo manah paryaaya vaacakah"

In aajnaa cakra, the aatmatwam was proved. From that aatmatatwa, aakaasa appears.
Here, [in visuddhi cakra] aatmaa is manstatwam.

Taitiriya Upanishad 2-1 says –
"Tasmaadwaa yetasmaa-daatmana aakaasah sambhootah"
When the candra-sthaana Parvati and the Soorya-sthaana Paramasiva becomes visible in
the visuddhi cakra, low level sense pleasures vanish. Even the sixteen nityaa devi and
their siddhi disappear. The aananda-brilliance is the jeevaadhaara for all the jeevaas.

Taitiriya Upanishad 2-7 says –

Is this not the one which gives happiness to the whole world!
[In the earlier sloka – sloka 36, we referred that the pooja of the aajnaa cakra is being
done in India in the Kaasi Viswanatha temple.]

The pooja of this visuddhi cakra is being done in the Cidambaram temple in south
India. Siva and Parvati in this temple are called by the name Vyomeswara and
Vyomeswari. The upaasana is being done for the Siva and Parvati surrounded by the 72
aakaasa mayookha. Some poets say that this sloka refers about the pooja for the ardha
naareeswara moorthy. A flower has with it its fragrant smell; amrita has with it its
sweetness; so too, with the swaroopa of siva, swaroopa of ambika also is embedded.
We cannot separate agni and its daahaka sakti as separate; so too, Parvati and Paramasiva
can never be separated. Hence, the dhyaana or meditation method [in which both are
being propitiated at the same time with equal importance] is given by Sankara in the
slokas 36 onwards till 40.

Visuddhau te :-
Arunaamodinee says :-
"Bhavatyaa visuddau twadeeya leela vigraha kantha – sthaansthite
bhavadaatmaakaasa tatwaroope vaa visuddhaakhye cakre"
in the visuddhi cakra of our sushumnaa naadi, there is the 16 petal-lotus.

[earlier sloka 36, we referred that in the aajnaa cakra, there is the 2 petal-lotus]


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