Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Monday, June 26, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka - Sree Cakra description - 2

Reference from bhagavad gita chapter 15 slokas –

regarding the micro part - vyashti and the macro part - samashti

Refer the Bhagavad Gita -
chapter 15 sloka 7, 12, 13 and 14 which refers like this :-

Mamaivaamso jeevaloke jeevabhoota sanaatanah
Manah shashthaaneendriyaani prakrtisthaani karshati

An eternal portion of myself, having become a living soul in the world of life,
and abiding in PRAKRITI, draws (to itself) the (five) senses, with mind for the sixth.

Yadaatiya gatam tejo jagat bhaasayatekhilam
Yaccandramasi yaccaagnau tattejo viddhi maamakam

That light which is residing in the Sun and which illumines the whole world,
and that which is in the moon and in the fire – know that Light to be Mine.

Gaamaavisya ca bhootaani dhaarayaamyahamojasaa
Pushnaamicaushadhee sarvaa somo bhootwaa rasaatmakah

Permeating the earth I support all beings by (My) energy;
and having become the liquid moon, I nourish all herbs.

Aham vaisvaanaro bhootwaa praaninaam dehamaasritah
Praanaapaana samaayuktah pacaamyannam caturvidham

Having become (the fire) VAISVANARA, I abide in the body of beings,
and associated with PRANA and APANA, digest the four-fold food.

Sarvasya caaham hridi sannivishtho
mattah smritir jnaanamapohanam ca
Vedaisca sarvairaha meva
vedyo vedaantakrit vedavideva caaham

And I am seated in the hearts of all,
from Me are memory, knowledge, as well as their absence.
I am verily that which has to be known in all the VEDAS;
I am indeed the author of VEDANTA, and, the “knower of the VEDAS” am I.

Our backbone has three naadis – this is not sthoola but sookshma [not hardware but software]On left side – ida
On right side – pingala
On middle – sushumnaa
At the bottom termination point is the moolaadhara.

There lies and sleeps the kundalini sakti in the form of a sarpaakaara [serpent shape], ith three and a half rounds and it is most softest and tiny like a bisatantu taneeyasi as referred in lalitaa sahasra naama It shines like a brilliant set of lightning beams of light . if a saadhaka is able to wake up the kundalini sakti, it wokes up and crosses over through the lingasthana swaadhishthaana cakra,
the naabheesthaana manipooraka cakra,
hridayasthaana anaahata cakra,
the throat sthaana visuddhi cakra and
the broomadhya aajnaa cakra and
thereby reaches the sahasraara cakra at the forehead.

It joins there with the sadaasiva caitanya and then the amrita pravaaha results which cools all the naadis in the body and the saadhaka feels tremendous aananda called paraananda or anubhooti.

We will try to see some of the examples from Sree Mahaa Bhakta vijayam indicating the effect of this paraananda or anubhooti in the next lesson of sree cakra–

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka - Sree Cakra description -1

We have given the meaning of the soundarya lahari sloka 11 which deals with Sree Cakra.
But we have given only a brief in that context. Now we will go through in detail about the Sree Cakra.

The ancient great rishis have established several methods of meditating and worshipping the aroopa, akhila loka vyaapta devee caitanya.

Method 1 is to imagine the familiar form of goddess -by joining the parts known to us - by thinking about the most beautiful parts -of the human beings and building up the form -
which does not have any blemish; it gives us rejoicing peace and happiness.
The method of worshipping the gods/goddesses -in pictures and in sculptures in temples -are the ones which have been found out by this method.

An alternative to the above method is -to have no specific shape of form but concentrate -
the devi form on some stone, or big lamp or wooden piece.
The aaraadhanaa part of this involves – calling the god or goddess as our guest and then -offer necessary arghya paada, peetha, vastra, food etc -and then pray them by stotras and mantras.

Method 2 is to understand that the upaasya cit sakti -is inside our heart of hearts and propitiate that power. This aaraadhana method has several sub parts.

Out of those the most versatile and saastreeya method - is Kundalini pooja.
The body of each individual is the exact micro [vyashti] part -of the macro [samashti] world and hence called -pindaanda -whereas the group of worlds is called as -brahmaanda. All the powers available in the brahmaanda are hidden -and available in the pindaanda also. Paraasakti is the aadhaara bhoota for the action -and sthiti of the brahmaanda. Similarly, the alpa maatra sphurana in the form of kundalini roopa -exists for all the actions of the pindaanda, so says patanjali yoga sutras.

Now, in the next lesson, we will go through in brief about -some of the reference sutras from Patanjali Yoga Sutra, which justify the vyashti samashti principle or -jiva eeswara principle or the individual B M I and the world.

Vibhooti paadaas - reference from patanjali sutras.

Refer vibhooti paada 29 of the patanjali yoga sutra which says :-
“Naabhee cakre kaaya vyooha jnaanam”

all the naadis in the body join together in the cakra of the nabhi i.e., manipooraka cakra. Hence, when one gets samyama with that, he gets all the complete states or sthitis of the body.

What is the sareera ghatana?
Which dhatu is in which part of the body?
What is their state?

Complete knowledge about all these one gets by the samyama. In fact, you can see the parts of the body inside you, as you the objects outside you in the world.

Refer sutra 25 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“Pravrityaa lokanyaasaal sookshma vyavahita viprakrishta jnaanam “

Three types of things in the world are not visible to the ordinary indriyaas of man.

They are the atisookshma paramaanu, mahattatwam, prakriti etc; Example – the pearls inside/ underneath the sea – The treasures inside / underneath the earth –
The things which are beyond our normal vision and are far off. But the yogi who does samyama on the “jyothis” can see all the three above, in pratyaksha.

Refer sutra 26 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“bhuvana jnaanam soorye samyamaal”

A yogi who does samyama on the sun god can get the vision of all the fourteen worlds.

Refer sutra 27 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“candre taaraa vyooha jnaanam”

Ordinary people cannot know the movements of the Planets and stars. But a yogi without studying ganita saastra Can visualize in pratyaksha the planets and star movements.

Refer sutra 28 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“Dhruve tat gatij-jnaanam”

Dhruva nakshatra is niscala or silent. But the movements of all the stars Are connected to the dhruva nakshatra. Hence, one can know By the samyama on the dhruva nakshatra, The movements of all the stars and planets.

Refer sutra 30 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“kanthakoope kshutpipaasaa nivrittih”

At the inner edge of the tongue, there is a tantu called “jihwaa moola” This is the pivot of the tongue. Behind this is the kantha and behind the kantha is the koopa. It is called kantha koopa. If a yogi does samyama on that – He gets the clutches of thirst and hunger. In fact, the praana calana starts from the kantha koopa. The hunger and thirst are produced due to praana calana only. Hence the result referred.

Refer sutra 31 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“koorma naadhyaam sthairyam”

There is a naadi below the above referred kantha koopa. If a yogi does samyama on that, he gets niscala sthirata on the body and the heart.

Refer sutra 32 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“moordhaa jyotishi siddha darsanam”

At the centre of the head top, there is a randhra called Brahma randhra. One who does samyama on the jyotis on that Brahma randhra, He gets the darsan of all the siddha purusha in the world and in heaven.

Refer sutra 33 of patanjali which refers like this :-
“praatibhaadwaa sarvam”

This is the jnaana called praatibhaa jnaanam. This is not the one available for a jnaani. But before the jnaana, one gets this. Just like we are able to see the world and things around just before the sun rise, One gets the jnaana before actually he gets moksha. Then one gets any knowledge without any samyama.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Soundarya lahari – anubandham - 1

(Some books for reference to enrich or clarify the points so far referred)

The slokas in the soundarya lahari – aanandalahari portion from sloka 1 to sloka 41 include many tatwa which contain taantrika and daarsanika principles. No effort was made in the slokas we referred, to describe in detail about the taantrika secrets.

All bhaarateeya puraanaas, itihaasaas, stotra samhitaas, darsanaas, saastraas contain devee tantraas. It is necessary to have strong, continuous, long abhyaasa and guru kripa or help of guru to separate the goodha tantraas which are embedded in these slokaas, which are not directly available but in hidden form they are available.

Most of the upaasakaas who are loukeeka do not require at all these. Only for those who
are jijnaasu readers a list of books which will enrich the tantra and mantra rahasya are
given below. Many of these given below are available in shops where devotional books
are sold or in ashrams and which contain some details about these.

Aarshajnaanam – naalappattu naaraayana menavan
Soundarya lahari of sankaracarya by Dr. B.C.Balakrishnan, Kottayam
Soundarya lahari bhaashaa bhaashyam by Kandiyoor Mahadeva saastri, Kodungallur
Soundarya lahari bhaashyam by Annaa [Sree Ramakrishnaa Math] Chennai
Lalitaa sahasra naama by Swami Cidbhavaananda, Ramakrishna
Tapovan, tiruchirappalli.
Lalitaa sahasra naama by Kandiyoor Mahadeva saastri, Kodungallur
Lalitaa sahasra naama by Dr. B.C.Balakrishnan, Kottayam
Kulaarnava tantram by Sri Ram Kumar Roy, vaaraanasi
Gaandharva tantram by Sri Ram Kumar Roy, Aacaarya Krishnadas
Daamara tantram by Sri Ram Kumar Roy, Aacaarya Krishnadas
Tantra raja tantram by Mahopaadhyaaya Lakshmana Saastri,
Delhi, Motilal banarasidas, Delhi
Tripuraa rahasyam by Sri A.U.Vaasudev, Vaaraanasi
Tripuraa rahasya kaa tatra viseshan by Sri Bhavani sankar upaadhyaaya, Vaaraanasi
Tripura saara samucchaya by Sri Praacya naaraayanan, Vaaraanasi
Devee maanasa poojaa stotram by Sankara translated into Malayalam by K.V.M.
poojaa pushpa manjari by Sri N.Easwaran Nambootiri, Mavelikkara

(Some books for reference to enrich or clarify the points so far referred)Pratyabhijnaa hridayam by Sri Jaydev singh, Delhi, motilal banarasidas, Delhi
Prapanca saara tantra by Sankara Vivaran by Sri Padmapaadaacaarya , Motilal banarasidas, Delhi
Barihat tantra saaram by Sri Ram kumar Roy, Aacaarya Krishnadas Academy,Vaaraanasi
Brihat tantra saara ,, Hindi translation
Mantra mahodadhi by Sri Sukdev caturvedi vaaraanasi.
Mantra mahaarnav by Sri Ram kumar Roy, Aacaarya Krishnadas Academy,Vaaraanasi
Mantraartha prakaasika by naaraayanan nambootirippaad, kunnamkulam
Maatrukaa bheda tantra by Praacya prakaasan, vaaraanasi
Maalinee vijayottara tantra by Sri ahandhaananda saagar mahaamandaleswar aacaarya krishnaanand, vaaraanasi.
Yajna samskaaram by Naaraayana bhattatiri, matrubhoomi publication.
Yoginee hridayam by Dr. Gopinath Kaviraaj, Sampoornaanand Samskrita vidyaalay, vaaraanasi.
Rudra yaamalam by Sri Ram kumar Roy, Aacaarya Krishnadas Academy,Vaaraanasi
Lalitaa sahasra naama by srimad bhaaskara rayar, samskrita [soubhaagya bhaaskaram] vyaakhyaan
Lalitaa sahasra naama by Sri Bhatta Naaraayana [jaya mangala vyaakhyaanam]
Lalitaa sahasra naama stotram by swami vimalaananda, Ramakrishna tapovanam , Tiruchirappalli.
Varivasyaa rahasyam by Sri Bhaaskara raayar [bhaasura nanda naathar
vyaakhyaanam], swami brahmaanandar, kaavum bhaagam, Talassery
Vijnaana bhairav by Jai dev singh, motilal banarasidas, Delhi
Sakti mahimna stotram by maharishi durvaasaa
Saaradaa tilakam by lakshmana desikendra, vaaraanasi.
Saaradaa tilaka tantra by sad guru publications, Delhi
Siva tatwa rahasyam by sree Neelakanta Deekshitar
Sree cakram by Sri S.Sankara naraayanan.
Sree cakra pooja by pancaangam pustaka saala, kunnamkulam
Sree devi maahaatmyam by pandit Ramanaraayana data saastri ‘ram’ Geeta press, gorakh pur
Sreemaddevee bhaagavatam by sree subrahmanyan tirumumbu, matrubhoomi prasiddheekaranam
Sree matrukaa pushpamaala by sankara vyaakhyaanam by sri udayavarma tambaan, vivekaananda Kendra, thiruvananthapuram.
Sree vidyaa mantra bhaashyam by swami brahmaananda teertha, talassery
Sreevidyaarnava tantram by sree vidyaaranya yati, vaaraanasi
Soundarya lahari tamil lakshmeedhara vyaakhyaanam by A.Kuppuswamy
Soundarya lahari aanandagiri vyaakhyaanam By A.Kuppuswamy
Soundarya lahari taatparya deepini-vaidya maadhava vyaakhyaanam By A.Kuppuswamy, T.R.Ramakrishna saastri
Soundarya lahari soubhaagya vardhinee-kaivalyaasrama vyaakhyaanam By Sri Radhakrishna saastri, sri candrasekharendra sevaa samaajam
Soundarya lahari padaartha candrikaa vyaakhyaanam With the help of bhaarata sarkaar in different languages.
Soundarya lahari arunaa modini vyaakhyaanam By kaameswara soori
Soundarya lahari aananda laharee teekaa – gowree kaanta saarva bhauma bhattaacaarya
Soundarya lahari stotram – lakshmeedhara kavi - sukha bodhini Malayalam vivartanam.
Tekke ambaadiyil meenaakshi amma

(Some books for reference to enrich or clarify the points so far referred)

Soundarya lahari English translation and vyaakhyaana by Nadaraaja guru, east west university of brahma vidya, varkala.
Soundarya lahari, goodhaartha deepikaa by E.P.Subrahmanya saastrikal
Spanda kaarikaa by jai dev singh, motilal banarasidas, delhi.
Hindi mantra mahaarnav by Moolam and hindi translation, praacya prakaasan, vaaraanasi
Hindu Goddesses by David Kinsley, motilal banarasidas, delhi.
Meditation and mantras by swami vishnudevaananda
More on tantras by M.P.Pandit
Prapanca saara tantra by Sir Arthur Avlon, motilal banarasidas, delhi,
English commentary by swami Tapasyaananda, sree Ramakrishna math, madras.
Sreecakra by Sankara naaraayanan, Aurobindo asram, Pondichery
The complete illustrated book of yoga by Swami Vishnudevaananda
The Garland of letters by Sir John Woodroff, Ganesh and co, madras.
Understanding mantras by Harvey Alpher pub. Motilal Banarasidas
Wisdom of yoga by Sri Krishna P. Bahadur
Patanjali yoga sutra by tapasyaamrita of Sri ramakrishnamath
Patanjala yoga darsanam by swami jnaanaananda saraswathy,
aanandakuteeram, kanyakumari

Next, we will go through in some more detail about the Sree Cakra which is required for a saadhaka. Again, let us offer our pranaams to all those who are referred above and all those who have contributed for the vyaakhyaanas not given above but available in different other languages also and those who are all devotees of goddesses and gods and all who have blessed these children involved in this simple venture of going through the aanadanda lahari.
[Anubandham ends..]
now we will try to go in detail about the sree cakra in the next set of lessons called Sree-Cakra.