Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Soundarya lahari –sloka14

Soundarya lahari –sloka14
The rays of the aadhaara cakra and beyond
[poverty, roga nivritti]

kshitau shatpancaasat-dwisamadhika-pancaasa-dudake
hutase dwaashashti-scaturadhika-pancaasa-danile
divi dwi:shattrimsat manasi ca catu:shashtiriti ye
mayookhaa;-stesha-mapyupari tava paadaambuja-yugam

kshitau - bhoomi-tatwa in moolaadhara cakra
shatpancaasat - fifty six
dwisamadhika pancaasat - fifty two
udake - in manipooraka cakra - jalatatwa
hutase - in agni-tatwa swadhisthana cakra
dwaashashti - sixty two
caturadhika-pancaasad - fifty four
anile - in vayu-tatwa anaahata cakra
divi - in aakaasa-tatwa visuddhi cakra
dwi:shattrimsat - seventy two
manasi ca - in the manas-tatwa aajnaacakra
catu:shashti - sixty four
iti - thus
ye - these
mayookhaa - rays
tesham api - for them
upari - above
tava - your
paadaambuja-yugam - your sacred lotus feet [abode shines thereforth]

Oh! Goddess Supreme! Your Divine Lotus Feet is above the rays or kiranas posited in the different aadhara cakra.
[fifty six in moolaadhara-cakra bhoomi-tatwa, fifty two in the manipooraka-cakra jala-tatwa, sixty two in the swaadhisthana-cakra agni-tatwa, fifty four in the anaahata-cakra vayu-tatwa, seventy two in the visuddhi-cakra aakaasa-tatwa, sixty four in the aajnaa-cakra manas-tatwa].
The six aadhaara cakra are bonded by the kaala cakra of time, space and objects, whereas the Goddess Supreme or Pure Consciousness is beyond the hold of the kaala cakra.
Moolaadhara represent the 55 days Vasanta rithu;
Manipooraka represent the 52 days Greeshma rithu;
Swadhisthaana represent 62 days Varsha rithu;
Anaahata represent 54 days Sarad rithu;
Visuddhi represent 72 days Hemanta rithu;
Aajnaa represent 64 days Sisira rithu.
With reference to Brahmaanda they are called as rithus; With reference to the pindaanda, they are called as rays or kiranaas.
Agni kanda contains 108 rays;
the Soorya kanda contains 116 kiranaas; and the
candra kanda contains 136 kiranaas.
The total number of rays is 360 which refers to the number of days in a year. The abode of Devi or Goddess is above these rays of surya, candra and agni kanda.
For a person who has the kundalini fully awoke, the place, time and objects do not have any binding as referred in the Khata Upanishad [II-ii-15]:-

Na tatra suryo bhaati; na candra taarakam;
nemaa vidyuto bhaanti; kutoyamagnihi;
Tameva bhaantam anubhaati sarvam;
tasya bhaasaa sarvam idam vibhaati.

There the Sun does not shine, neither do the moon and the stars; nor do these flashes of lightning shine. How can this fire, then? He shining, all these shine; through his luster, all these are variously illumined.

Agni-sthaana is brahma granthi;
Surya-sthaana is Vishnu-granthi;
Candra-sthaana is rudra-granthi.

In moolaadhra and swadhisthaana agni shines;
in manipooraka and anaahata surya shines;
in visudhdhi and aajnaa candra shines.

The kiranaa or rays are to be meditated upon as per the principle below:-

24 tatwaas + kalai + prakriti + purusha + mahat = 28; each is there for siva and sakti and hence total number of rays is 2 x 28 = 56.
Five pancabhootaas + 10 indriyaas [5 karma plus 5 jnaana] + the job of these = 10 + mind = 26; multiply by two for sakti and siva; total is 52.
The above two together 56 + 52 form 108. [agni kanda]
5 bhootaas + 5 tanmaatraas + 10 indriyaas + 10 jobs of these indriyaas + mind = 31; for siva and sakti – multiply by two and equal to 62.
Bhoomi tatwa minus mahat – 27- multiply by two we get 54.
The above two together form 62+ 54 = 116. [surya kanda]
Thirty six tatwaas – for siva and sakti each form 72; 36 minus the last four = 32 - double 64;
The above two together form 72 + 64 = 136. [soma kanda]


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