Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -6

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -6
[Birth of child – divine angular vision of goddess]

Dhanuppaushpam maurvee madhukaramayee pancavisikhaa
Vasanta ssaamanto malayamarudayodhanarathah
Tadapyekah sarvam himagiri sute kaamapikripaam
Apaangaatte labhdwaa jagadidamanango vijayate

Oh! Goddess! Himagirisute!
himagiri sute - daughter of Himavan
Dhanu: - [manmata’s] bow
Paushpam - [is] of flowers
Maurvee - the rope used to tie the bow
Madhukaramayee - [is also] of honey bees
Pancavisikhaa - five arrows [are also of flowers]
Saamanta: - minister
Vasanta - vasanta rithu
Aayodhanaratha: - the chariot used for war fight
Malayamarud - [is]the breeze from the himalaya
Tada api - even then
Te - your
yekah - single handed
sarvam - everything
Kaam api kripaam - some kripa
Apaangaat - by divine angular grace of the eye
labhdwaa - achieving
Jagad - world
Idam - this
anango - devoid of body
Vijayate - succeeds

Oh! Goddess! daughter of Himavan! manmata’s bow is of flowers;
the rope used to tie the bow is also of honey bees; five arrows are also of flowers; charioteer is the vasanta rithu; the chariot used for war fight is the breeze from the himalaya; even then, by divine angular grace of the eyes of Goddess, getting [some-unknown] kripa, though single handed, and devoid of body, succeeded in every step in this world.

The method of upasana referred in this sloka is called

Manmata is Rishi for this.
Chandas is Avyakta Gayatri.
Devata is Raja Rajeswari.

Manmata is the best example to show that even though one may not possess anything, by the grace of the Goddess, he may even win over the whole world.
Manmata, even without body, with the bow and arrows of flowers, with chariot as the wind, without support from anybody else, single handed, fought with the world and won over even great.

Yajurveda – Aarunam – Anuvkam -50 says –

Acetaa yacca cetana:
Sa tam mani-mavindat
So nanguli-raavayat
So greeva: pratyamuncat
So jihvo asaccata
Naidam rishim viditwaa nagaram praviset

Because of having no body, he does not have any body feeling,
but due to mental feelings, manmata resides as chetana.
He got the famous Divine Sri Vidya Ratna.
Without hands, he was picking up the hands;
Without neck, he was wearing the garlands;
Without tongue, he was tasting food;

One should not enter in the Pooja or worship of the Sricakra Pooja without knowing such a wonderful Mantradrashta.

We may consider our mind as the manmatha ; one who does the matha of the mind, i.e., pressurizes or attracts the mind is manmatha.

The mind is the software; but without mind, even though we have body, you can do nothing;

If we have perfect control of the mind, we may become like manmatha and get the blessings of Goddess, Almighty and be able to get Self Realisation.

You know the Bhagavad Gita dhyaanasloka compiled by the great Saint, Madhusoodana Saraswati –

Mookam karoti vaacaalam pankum lankayate girim
Yat kripaa tamaham vande paramaanandamaadhavam

[Oh! God! You make a mooka – or dumb person by Your Grace as a vaacaala – expert orator. You make a lame man climb the hills, by Your Grace.
Oh! Paramaananda Maadhava! [maa – dhava – one who is with the divine Goddess in the heart of hearts], Due to your grace only, this happens]

Whenever we get success in anything, it is due to Almighty’s Grace only and not due to our own effort.

Our part is simply zero, without God’s Grace.

Our body (B-M-I Complex) is insentient and due to God’s part in us, the sentient aatman only, our body [also the whole world] seems to exist and function.

In this sloka, there is the implicit use of the kaamabeeja mantra – kleemkaara
Kaamapi – ka kaara
Malaya - la kaara
Maurvee – ee kara


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