Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -25

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -25
[the pooja of the three Gods(all gods) are contained in the Devi pooja itself]
[high level power, fame and name]

Trayaanaam devaanaam triguna-janitaanaam tava sive
Bhavet pooja pooja tava caranayo-ryaa viracitaa
Tathaa hi twat paadodvahana-manipeetasya nikate
Sthitaa hyete-saswanmukulita-karottamsa-makutaah

Trayaanaam devaanaam - the three gods [Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra]
triguna-janitaanaam - taken form possessing the three gunaas
tava - your
sive - Oh! Goddess! Who is the spouse of Lord Siva
Bhavet - become
pooja - pooja
pooja - pooja
tava caranayoh - on your holy feet
yaah - whichever
viracitaa - being performed
Tathaa hi - that is correct
twat paadodvahana-manipeetasya - of the ratna peeta of the goddess which carries the divine lotus feet of goddess
nikate - nearby
manipeetasya nikate –
the six aadhaara cakras [in the body] are the manipeeta. They are grouped into three sets –

agni kantha - position of brahma called Brahma granthi
soorya kantha - position of Vishnu called Vishnu granthi
soma kantha - position of Rudra called Rudra granthi

lalita sahasra nama refers as –

brahma granthi vibhedinyai namaha

Vishnu granthi vibhedinyai namaha

Rudra granthi vibhedinyai namaha

Moolaadharaambujaaroodhaayai namaha
Swaadhisthaanaambujagataayai namaha
Manipooraantaruditaayai namaha
Anaahataabja nilayaayai namaha
Visuddhi cakra nilayaayai namaha
Aajnaa cakraabja nilayaayai namaha
Sahasraaraambujaaroodhaayai namaha

when a devotee performs pooja as per the antar yaaga principle in the six aadhaara cakras, then it becomes the puja for all the gods [the three gods].

Sthitaah hi - are posited [or standing]
yete- - these [gods]
saswat - always
mukulita-karottamsa-makutaah - keeping the bowed hands on the crown

Oh! Goddess Supreme! What ever pooja is being performed on your holy lotus feet, that becomes automatically the pooja for the three gods; it is definite!.
These gods are always posited with their bowed hands on their divine crown which is in turn, placed on your abode [or the Ratna cot] offering their pranaams to you, asking your blessings, so that they can perform their duties according to their three natural gunas.

The maaya god [eeswara] when dominant with rajo guna, the god is referred as Brahma, the creator or generator or in Sanskrit the function is called as srishti.

The same maaya [eeswara] god when dominat with satwa guna is referred as Vishnu, the organisor or in Sanskrit the function is called as sthiti.

The same maaya god [eeswara] when dominant with the tamo guna is referred as Rudra, the destroyer or in Sanskrit the function is referred as samhara or laya.

The Durga Candra Kala Stuti written by the great spiritual poet, Appayya deekshitar refers as –
Yad poojanaha stuti namaskritibhir bhavanti
Preetaah pitaamaha ramesa haraas trayobhih
Teshaamapi sarva karunair dadhateem vapoomshi
Taam eeswarasya taruneem caranyam prapadye
[Puja to Goddess as per antaryaga is equal to pooja of all gods and goddesses].


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