Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -18

Soundarya Lahari Sloka -18
[Arunaroopadhyaanam- kaamajayam]

Tanuchchaayaabhiste tarunatarani sreesaranibhihi
Divam sarvaamurveem arunimanimagnaamsmaratiyaha
Bhavantyasya trasyadvanaharinasaaleenanayanaa
Sahorvasya vasya kati kati na geervaanaganikaa

Taruna tarani - that of the rising sun
Sreesaranibhihi - along with the beautiful-flow of water
Te - your
Tanuchchaayaabhihi - by the rays of the brilliance from your body
Sarvaam - all
Divam - devaloka
Urveem - bhoolaka [and]
Arunimani - light red color
Magnaam - flooded with
Yaha - who
Smarati - does the dhyaana
Asya - for him
Trasyad - fearful
Vana-harina-saaleena-nayanaa –
- beautiful eyes similar to the forest deers
Geervaanaganikaa - apsara women
Oorvasya saha - including oorvasi
Kati kati - how many, how many
Vasyaha - attracted
Na bhavanti - not become

Oh! Goddess! a devotee who meditates on you, with the imagination that the beautiful, brilliant rays coming out from your body makes the whole world and the aakaasa resemble continuous flowing water with beautiful reddish color similar to that of the rising sun, he is attracted by devastree women like urvasi who are having the beautiful fearful eyes similar to that of the forest deer; then what to talk of the ordinary women in this world? [such a devotee will see all women as goddess divine and the goddess will bestow on all his well-wishers whom he comes across, this divine power giving them all benefits they want].

In lalita-sahasra-nama the following lines appear which give the same meaning :-

Udyad bhaanu sahasraabhaa

This sloka is called as streevasiyahara.
But there is the divine quote :-
Striya samastaas tava devi bhedaaha
All women are the embodiments of para devata the supreme goddess. The devotee upaasaka will see and treat all women as para devata. He will not be affected by kaamini kaancana.


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