Soundarya Lahari Sloka

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Soundarya Lahari - Sloka 23

Soundarya Lahari - Sloka 23
Sivamsa hidden in dormant form in sakti

Twayaa hritwaa vaamam vapu-raparitriptena manasa
Sareeraardham sambho-raparamapi sanke hritamabhoot
Yadetat twadroopam sakalamarunaabham trinayanam
Kucaabhyaamaanamram kutila-sasicoodaala-makutam

Yad - Due to which reason
yetat - the one which is shining in my heart
twad-roopam - your [divine] form
sakalam arunaabham – fully reddish brilliance
trinayanam - with three eyes
Kucaabhyaam - By the two [divine] breasts
aanamram - slightly bent
kutila-sasi-coodaala-makutam - bearing the makuta decorated with the partial moon
sambho: - of the sambhu [lord sadasiva]
vaamam vapu - the left part of the body
Twayaa - By you
Hritwaa - Even after taking it [left part of the body]
Aparitriptena - Not fully satisfied
Manasaa - By the mind
Aparam Sareeraardham api -The second part of the body also
Hritam abhoot - Was snatched [orabducted or kidnapped]
Sanke - I doubt

Siva and Sakti are the two parts [left and right] of the same body.
[just like the two sides of a coin or like the hardware and software of the computer or like the chit and jada or like the soul and body]
The part of siva is white; and that of the Sakti is red. But, since, the complete part of the body of goddess Sakti is reddish, and since in the divine crown [makuta] of the goddess there is the partial moon, sakti is not satisfied with the half part, and hence goddess has taken the complete body. Siva is called as three eyed god, Candrasekhara. He becomes invisible gets merged in the Sakti swaroopa. Hence, if you do the worship of Sakti, it becomes equal to that of the god Sada Siva. There is a group of worshippers called “Uttara Kaula”, in which the devotees worship only Sakti and there is no pooja for Siva. Siva is merged fully in Sakti, they feel. There is no separate part of the duty for Siva.
The sloka 101 of “Aananda Saagara Stavam” written by great “Neelakanta deekshitar”, refers like this:-

Nirmaasi, samharasi, nirvhasi, trilokeem
vrittaanta metamapi vetti na vaa mahesa:
tasyaat manastu girije tava saahacaryaatjaata:
srutishwapi jagajjanakatwa-vaada:

Oh! Paarvati! You are only creating the three worlds; maintaining and destructing too; it is not known whether siva is aware of this vrittanta; but since, you are with him, sruti calls him as Pitaa or father.

The sloka 56 of “Aananda Saagara Stavam” written by great “Neelakanta deekshitar”, refers like this:-

Saadhaarane smarajaye nitilaakshi saadhye
bhaagee haro haratu naama yasa: samagram
vaamaangri-maatra-kalite janani twadeeye
kaa vaa prasakti-riha kaalajaye puraare:

Manmatha was destroyed by the Agni from the third eye of Siva; in that eye also you have part; hence, in that good deed or praise, Siva has only one half part; but let Siva keep fully the praise of that; the left foot which overtook kaala is yours and so what relation Siva has in this respect?

There is a saying as below:-
Na sivena vinaa saktir
Na saktyaa rahita: siva:

There is no sakti without siva; there is no siva without sakti; the relationship between the two is like the agni and the heating effect of the agni.


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